Sunday, 27 February 2011

Last year's fun

Agghhh the bookings are coming in thick and fast for this summer's crop of weddings! And it is making me think back to LAST year's weddings, and then I realsied I HAD to post the link to the amazing photos that Phoebe Ling took of Chloe and Rob's wedding last year. I initially was snooping at them just to see how the flowers 'photographed', especially since it was the hottest day in, genuinely, the entire history of the world. Howevere when I got there the photos were just soooo amazing that I spent ages drooling over the entire thing. So hot foot it to Phoebe Ling if you're looking for an amazing photographer, and take a look at the flowers I did for Chloe and Rob, as I think they look rather lovely.

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