Saturday, 22 November 2008

Wreath Encounter

Hello loyal readers!

Well it's day two for the Rebecca Frere Flowers Blog of Ultimate Destiny, and it's got two followers, so if it continues to grow in this rabid 'a-person-a-day' manner, then... can work it out for yourselves, you mathematical whizz kids.

Today I took Christmas wreaths of all shapes and sizes (this is a lie - they were all round) to the Bonnington Christmas Coffee Morning. Whilst perhaps not being the world's most glamorous event, it was very jolly and in aid of a good cause, and the wreaths quite literally flew off the (makeshift) shelves. One over zealous would-be customer had to be prevented from buying one which was only half made! This means that either a) people are quite mad, or b) I should not bother finishing them off properly, as people clearly don't notice when they're a bit askew. I'm leaning towards A. It was an excellent dress-rehearsal for the Day of Days - the Great Dixter Christmas Fair.

Gearing up for a lovely wedding in Lympne Castle in December - a real christmas treat. I seem to have been talked into doing not only the flowers, but also running a creche in the castle during the reception... Not sure if I should diversify so soon, and in this direction, but we shall see!
Before I sign off, many MANY thanks to the multi-talented and tirelessly tasteful Kerry at for creating my beautiful new website AND setting up this blog, enabling me to bore people with my incessant chatter even more often than in the past.
Pip pip.

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